This is the time of year that the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center receives even more calls than normal—and yes, many of them are about holiday chocolates!
The ASPCA has created a one-page Holiday Survival Guide for Pets & Their People for you to share and post somewhere conspicuous. It’s a good reminder about the big toxin dangers this time of year.
Lock These Medicines Away
Goodies That Are Baddies
- Wrapped gifts containing food
- Snow globes
Holiday food such as chocolate, uncooked poultry, bread dough, fruitcake & alcohol
Salt in ice melt, homemade play dough and salt-dough ornaments
Pretty But Unpalatable
- Poinsettia
- Christmas cactus
- Holly
The Big 5 Holiday Poison Dangers
In order of call volume reported by the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center:
- Chocolate
- Tree preservatives
- Poinsettias
- Medications
- Alcohol
We wish you a safe and happy holiday season!
*Information provided by the ASPCA. Click here to check out the full article!