Foster Parent Resources
We're so excited to have you as part of our lifesaving team! Here are some tools and tips that you can refer to while you are fostering a pet for us.
How You Can Reach Us
Your Foster Team
- Casey Woods ─ Foster Care Manager
- Alyssa Curtis ─ Foster Care Veterinary Technician
- Asa Wildenstein ─ Foster Care Specialist

Private Foster Group
We’d love for you to join our Facebook page to meet other LHS fosters. You can share your
pet’s photos on the page, ask questions and communicate with other foster families.
Adoptable Adventures
Share posts about your adoptable Lexington Humane Society foster animals, and help them search for their forever homes!
More Foster Resources
Training and Behavior
Cats & Kittens
Dogs & Puppies
Dealing with a Foster Dog’s Boredom and Destructive Behavior
How to Control Your Foster Dog’s Jumping
Dealing with a Foster Dog’s Mouthiness, Nipping, and Play Biting
Keeping Interactions Between Foster Dogs and Children Safe
Introducing Your Foster Dog to Strangers in Your House
Enrichment Games: Basic Skills
Medical Care
Cats & Kittens
Physical and Behavioral Development of Kittens
Determining the Sex of A Kitten
How to Stimulate an Orphaned Kitten to Urinate and Defecate
How to Bottle Feed an Orphaned Kitten
Bottle Feeding Problem and Solution Chart
How to Wean Orphaned Kittens onto Solid Foods
How to Bathe an Orphaned Kitten
Additional Links
Animals in need of Foster Care
Interested in fostering kittens or puppies?
We use an on-deck system for all of our kitten and puppy placements, including moms with babies needing foster care. By filling out an On-Call Form each time you are available, you are letting us know you can be contacted to come to pick up kittens or puppies ASAP.
PLEASE NOTE: Once you have picked up fosters, your On-Call Form responses will be deleted. You will need to fill out this form again when you are ready for your next group of fosters.
Medical FAQs
My foster pet is sick. What do I do?
Can I take my foster to my personal vet?
You can, however we will not be able to reimburse you for any expenses that may occur, which is why we strongly encourage scheduling appointments with our medical team.
My foster has blood in their stool.
A little bit of blood in the stool is normal shortly after going into a new environment, the change of food or location can be stressful. However, if it persists or if your pet has a large amount of blood and diarrhea, please contact the foster team to schedule a veterinary appointment.
5 Tips For Awesome Pet Photos
Get on their LEVEL
Getting down on your foster pet’s level will create more personal portraits and highlight their unique features.
Most cellphones have a burst or portrait mode, use these to your advantage! These modes work best when there is plenty of light, so consider using them when you’re by a window or outside.
Making noise or using a toy is a great way to get your pet’s attention and get them to look at the camera. Make sure you’re ready to snap a photo when they are looking -you might even catch them in an adorable head tilt!
Some of the best photos come from an environment that’s well-lit and uncluttered. If there are too many objects in the background, it can take away the focus from your foster pet, and a dimly lit photo can come out grainy.
TIMING is everything
Use key moments throughout the day to capture their true personality-nap time to show their calm side, and playtime to show their goofy side. Bonus tip: put their bed by a window to get good lighting!
Marketing Your Foster Pet
Our Marketing Team at LHS is happy to share your foster pet’s photos and videos to help get them adopted. Be sure to tag us on social at: